![]() | Nombre | Mauricio Sepúlveda |
Unidad Académica | Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Concepción | |
Áreas de Investigación |
Áreas en Ciencias Básicas: - Análisis Numérico de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales |
Sitio Web Personal | | |
Teléfono | +56 - 041 - 2203118 |
*La información mostrada a continuación refleja las contribuciones desarrolladas por el investigador durante su participación en el centro o en colaboración con este. Para detalles adicionales, puede consultar su Sitio Web Personal.
Publicaciones (52) +
Número | Autores, Título y Datos de la Publicación | DOI Link |
2024-23 | Boumediene CHENTOUF, Aissa GUESMIA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Rodrigo VéJAR: Boundary stabilization of the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation with an infinite memory-type control and applications: a qualitative and numerical analysis. Applied Mathematics and Optimization, vol. 90, 2, article number: 32, (2024). |
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2024-13 | Raul NINA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Rodrigo VéJAR, Octavio VERA: Gain of regularity for a coupled system of generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 5618-5650, (2024). |
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2023-27 | Rodrigo ABARCA DEL RIO, Fernando CAMPOS, Dieter ISSLER, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Study of avalanche models using well balanced finite volume schemes. Obras y Proyectos, vol. 33, pp. 54-63, (2023). |
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2022-17 | Aissa GUESMIA, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Laminated Timoshenko beams with interfacial slip and infinite memories. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 85, Issue 8, pp. 4408-4427, (2022). |
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2022-15 | Marcelo CAVALCANTI, Valeria DOMINGOS CAVALCANTI, Aissa GUESMIA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Well-posedness and stability for Schrödinger equations with infinite memory. Applied Mathematics and Optimization, vol. 85, article: 20, (2022). |
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2021-42 | Aissa GUESMIA, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Well-posedness and stability of a generalized micropolar thermoelastic body with infinite memory. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, vol. 72, 4, pp. 1495-1515, (2021). |
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2021-27 | Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Reinhard RACKE, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: On exponential stability for thermoelastic plates: comparison and singular limits. Applied Mathematics and Optimization, vol. 84, 1, pp. 1045-1081, (2021). |
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2021-23 | Marcelo CAVALCANTI, Wellington CORREA, Andrei V. FAMINSKII, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Rodrigo VéJAR: Well-posedness and asymptotic behavior of a generalized higher order nonlinear Schrödinger equation with localized dissipation. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 96, pp. 188-208, (2021). |
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2020-45 | Marcelo CAVALCANTI, Wellington CORREA, Türker ÖZSARI, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Rodrigo VéJAR: Exponential stability for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with locally distributed damping. Communications in Partial Differential Equations, vol. 45, 9, pp. 1134-1167, (2020). |
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2020-28 | Raimund BüRGER, Rafael ORDOñEZ, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Luis M. VILLADA: Numerical analysis of a three-species chemotaxis model. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 80, pp. 183-203, (2020). |
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2020-24 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, David MORA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: A virtual element method for a nonlocal FitzHugh-Nagumo model of cardiac electrophysiology. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 40, 2, pp. 1544-1576, (2020). |
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2020-13 | Marcelo CAVALCANTI, Wellington CORREA, André DOMINGOS, Zaid HAJJEJ, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Rodrigo VéJAR: Uniform decay rates for a suspension bridge with locally distributed nonlinear damping. Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 357, 4, pp. 2388-2419, (2020). |
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2020-02 | Luci FATORI, Tais De Olivera SAITO, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Eiji Renan TAKAHASHI: Energy decay to Timoshenko system with indefinite damping. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 43, 1, pp. 225-241, (2020). |
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2019-43 | Aníbal CORONEL, Fernando HUANCAS, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Identification of space distributed coefficients in an indirectly transmitted diseases model. Inverse Problems, vol. 35, 11, (2019) 115001 (20pp). |
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2019-42 | Marcelo CAVALCANTI, Wellington CORREA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Rodrigo VéJAR: Finite difference scheme for a higher order nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Calcolo, vol. 56, 4, article:40, (2019). |
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2019-31 | Marcelo CAVALCANTI, Wellington CORREA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Rodrigo VéJAR: Finite difference scheme for a high order nonlinear Schrödinger equation with localized damping. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica, vol. 64, 2, pp. 161-172, (2019). |
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2019-27 | Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Verónica POBLETE, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Héctor VARGAS, Octavio VERA: Remark on the stabilization for a Schrödinger equation with double power nonlinearity. Applied Mathematics Letters, vol. 98, pp. 63-69, (2019). |
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2019-21 | Aníbal CORONEL, Fernando HUANCAS, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: A note on the existence and stability of an inverse problem for a SIS model. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 77, 12, pp. 3184-3196, (2019). |
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2018-38 | Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Stability to localized viscoelastic transmission problem. Communications in Partial Differential Equations, vol. 43, 5, pp. 821-838, (2018). |
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2018-02 | Raimund BüRGER, Pep MULET, Lihki RUBIO, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Linearly implicit-explicit schemes for the equilibrium dispersive model of chromatography. Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 317, pp. 172-186, (2018). |
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2016-34 | Stefan BERRES, Aníbal CORONEL, Richard LAGOS, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Performance of a real coded genetic algorithm for the calibration of scalar conservation laws. The ANZIAM Journal, vol. 58, 1, pp. 51-77, (2016). |
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2015-27 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: About analyticity for the coupled system of linear thermoviscoelastic equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 270, pp. 943-952 (2015) |
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2015-25 | Erwan HINGANT, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Derivation and mathematical study of a sorption-coagulation equation. Nonlinearity, vol. 28, 10, pp. 362-3661 (2015) |
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2015-13 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Michael LANGLAIS, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: A convergent finite volume method for a model of indirectly transmitted diseases with nonlocal cross-diffusion. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 70, 2, pp. 132-157, (2015). |
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2015-11 | Aníbal CORONEL, Patricio CUMSILLE, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Convergence of a level-set algorithm in scalar conservation laws. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 31, 4, pp. 1310-1343, (2015). |
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2015-02 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Numerical analysis for a three interacting species model with nonlocal and cross diffusion. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 49, 1, pp. 171-192, (2015). |
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2015-01 | Emilio CARIAGA, Rubén MARTíNEZ, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Estimation of hydraulic parameters under unsaturated flow conditions in heap leaching. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 109, pp. 20-31, (2015). |
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2014-19 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Gain of regularity for a Benney-Lin equation type. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, vol. 65, 2, pp. 459-483, (2014). |
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2014-09 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA, María ZEGARRA-GARAY: The asymptotic behaviour of the linear transmission problem in viscoelasticity. Mathematische Nachrichten, vol. 287, 5-6, pp. 483-497, (2014). |
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2014-08 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Exponential and the lack of exponential stability in transmission problems with localized Kelvin-Voigt dissipation. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 74, 2, pp. 345-365, (2014). |
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2013-17 | Vanilde BISOGNIN, Celene BURIOL, Marcio V. FERREIRA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Asymptotic behaviour for a nonlinear Schrodinger equation in domains with moving boundaries. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, vol. 125, 1, pp. 159-172, (2013). |
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2013-10 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Stabilization in three-dimensional porous thermoviscoelastic mixtures. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, vol. 64, 1, pp. 37-57, (2013). |
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2013-03 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA, María ZEGARRA-GARAY: The asymptotic behaviour of the linear transmission problem in viscoelasticity. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 399, 2, pp. 472-479, (2013). |
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2012-30 | Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Stabilization of a second order scheme for a GKdV-4 equation modelling surface water waves. Calcolo, vol. 49, 4, pp. 269-291, (2012). |
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2012-07 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Stabilization of mixture of two rigid solids modeling temperature and porosity. Applied Mathematics Letters, vol. 25, 5, pp. 884-889, (2012). |
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2011-17 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Stabilization of a system modeling temperature and porosity fields in a Kevin-Voigt-type mixture. Acta Mechanica, vol. 219, 1-2, pp. 145-167, (2011). |
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2011-15 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Transmission problem in thermoelasticity. Boundary Value Problems, vol. 2011, Article ID 190548, (2011). |
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2011-03 | Margareth ALVES, Bianca M. R. CALSAVARA, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Analyticity and smoothing effect for the coupled system of equations of Korteweg-de Vries type with a single point singularity. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, vol. 113, 1, pp. 75-100, (2011). |
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2010-25 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Mathematical and numerical analysis for predator-prey system in a polluted environment. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 5, 4, pp. 813-847, (2010) |
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2010-20 | Panayotis PANAYOTAROS, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Solitary waves for a coupled nonlinear Schrodinger system with dispersion management. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, vol. 2010, 107, pp. 1-26, (2010) |
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2010-18 | Ademir PAZOTO, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Uniform stabilization of numerical schemes for the critical generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation with damping. Numerische Mathematik, vol. 116, 2, pp. 317-356, (2010) |
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2010-13 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: A numerical analysis of a reaction-diffusion system modelling the dynamics of growth tumors. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 20, 5, pp. 731-756, (2010) |
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2010-12 | Emilio CARIAGA, Fernando CONCHA, Iuliu S. POP, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Convergence analysis of a vertex-centered finite volume scheme for a copper heap leaching model. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 33, 9, pp. 1059-1077, (2010) |
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2010-10 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Carlos Alberto RAPOSO, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Uniform stabilization for the transmission problem of the Timoshenko system with memory. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 369, 1, pp. 323-345, (2010) |
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2010-09 | Iuliu S. POP, Florin A. RADU, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Error estimates for the finite volume discretization for the porous medium equation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 234, 7, pp. 2135-2142, (2010) |
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2009-28 | Raimund BüRGER, Aníbal CORONEL, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Numerical solution of an inverse problem for a scalar conservation law modelling sedimentation. Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, vol. 67, 2, 445-454, (2009) |
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2009-24 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Analyticity of semigroups associated with thermoviscoelastic mixtures of solids. Journal of Thermal Stresses, vol. 32, 10, pp. 986-1004, (2009) |
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2009-23 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUñOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Exponential stability in a thermoviscoelastic mixtures of solids. International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 46, 24, pp. 4151-4162, (2009) |
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2009-17 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Mathematical and numerical analysis for reaction-diffusion systems modeling the spread of early tumors. Boletin de la Sociedad Espagnola de Matematica Aplicada, vol. 47, pp. 55-62. (2009) |
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2009-12 | Vanilde BISOGNIN, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: On the nonexistence of asymptotically free solutions for a coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system. Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 59, 9, pp. 2285-2302, (2009) |
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2009-10 | Margareth ALVES, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Smoothing properties for the higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation with constant coefficients. Non Linear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, vol. 71, pp. 948-966, (2009) |
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2009-07 | Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Convergence of a finite volume scheme for nonlocal reaction-diffusion systems modelling an epidemic disease. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B, vol. 11, 4, pp. 823-853, (2009) |
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Proceedings (4) +
Número | Autores, Título y Datos del Proceeding |
2024-03 | Marie HAGHEBAERT, Beatrice LAROCHE, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Study of the Numerical Method for an Inverse Problem of a Simplified Intestinal Crypt. In: Ammari, K., Doubova, A., Gerbi, S., Gonzalez-Burgos, M. (eds) Advances in Partial Differential Equations and Control. CRF 2023. Trends in Mathematics. Birkhauser, Cham, pp. 175-195, (2024) |
2019-02 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Michael LANGLAIS, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Remarks about spatially structured SI model systems with cross diffusion. In: B. N. Chetverushkin, W. Fitzgibbon, Y.A. Kuznetsov, P. Neittaanmäki, J. Periaux, O. Pironneau (eds) Contributions to Partial Differential Equations and Applications. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. vol 47. pp. 43–64. Springer, (2019) |
2019-01 | Aníbal CORONEL, Richard LAGOS, Pep MULET, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: A numerical method for an inverse problem arising in two-phase fluid flow transport through a homogeneous porous medium. In: Radu F., Kumar K., Berre I., Nordbotten J., Pop I. (eds) Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2017. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol 126. pp. 615-623. Springer, (2019) |
2015-02 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Michael LANGLAIS, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Pattern Formation for a Reaction Diffusion System with Constant and Cross Diffusion. In: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, ENUMATH 2013, Abdulle, A. et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol 103, pp. 153-164, Springer Verlag, 2015 |
Prepublicaciones (9+22) +
Prepublicaciones | |
Número | Autores y Título |
2025-05 | Fahim ASLAM, Zayd HAJJEJ, Jianghao HAO, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Global existence and asymptotic profile of an infinite memory logarithmic wave equation with fractional derivative and strong damping. |
2025-01 | Boumediene CHENTOUF, Sabeur MANSOURI, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Rodrigo VÉJAR: Theoretical and numerical results for the exponential stability of the rotating disk-beam system with a boundary infinite memory of type angular velocity. |
2024-10 | Kaïs AMMARI, Vilmos KOMORNIK, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Stability of the Rao-Nakra sandwich beam with a dissipation of fractional derivative type: theoretical and numerical study. |
2023-28 | Marie HAGHEBAERT, Beatrice LAROCHE, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Study of the numerical method for an inverse problem of a simplified intestinal crypt. |
2023-24 | Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Nicolás TORRES, Luis M. VILLADA: Well-posedness and numerical analysis of an elapsed time model with strongly coupled neural networks. |
2018-36 | Marcelo CAVALCANTI, Wellington CORREA, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Rodrigo VÉJAR: Well-posedness, exponential decay estimate and numerical results for the high order nonlinear Schrödinger equation with localized dissipation. |
2015-26 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUÑOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Exponential stability to Timoshenko system with shear boundary dissipation. |
2014-17 | Stefan BERRES, Aníbal CORONEL, Richard LAGOS, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Numerical calibration of scalar conservation law models using real coded genetic algorithm. |
2013-21 | Erwan HINGANT, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: On a sorption-coagulation equation: statement, existence and numerical approximation. |
Prepublicaciones que Dieron Origen a Publicaciónes Definitivas | |
Número | Autores y Título |
2023-21 | Boumediene CHENTOUF, Aissa GUESMIA, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Rodrigo VÉJAR: Boundary stabilization of the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation with an infinite memory-type control and applications: a qualitative and numerical analysis. |
2022-37 | Rodrigo ABARCA DEL RIO, Fernando CAMPOS, Dieter ISSLER, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Study of avalanche models using well balanced finite volume schemes. |
2021-03 | Marcelo CAVALCANTI, Valeria DOMINGOS CAVALCANTI, Aissa GUESMIA, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Well-posedness and stability for Schrödinger equations with infinite memory. |
2019-27 | Aníbal CORONEL, Fernando HUANCAS, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Identification of space distributed coefficients in an indirectly transmitted diseases model. |
2019-26 | Raimund BÜRGER, Rafael ORDOÑEZ, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Luis M. VILLADA: Numerical analysis of a three-species chemotaxis model. |
2019-14 | Marcelo CAVALCANTI, Wellington CORREA, Türker ÖZSARI, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Rodrigo VÉJAR: Exponential stability for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with locally distributed damping. |
2018-47 | Marcelo CAVALCANTI, Wellington CORREA, André DOMINGOS, Zaid HAJJEJ, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Rodrigo VÉJAR: Uniform decay rates for a suspension bridge with locally distributed nonlinear damping. |
2018-46 | Aníbal CORONEL, Fernando HUANCAS, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: A note on the existence and stability of an inverse problem for a SIS model. |
2018-15 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, David MORA, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: A virtual element method for a nonlocal FitzHugh-Nagumo model of cardiac electrophysiology. |
2018-03 | Marcelo CAVALCANTI, Wellington CORREA, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Rodrigo VÉJAR: Study of stability and conservative numerical methods for a high order nonlinear Schrödinger equation. |
2017-11 | Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, Lihki RUBIO, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Linearly implicit IMEX schemes for the equilibrium dispersive model of chromatography. |
2016-28 | Luci FATORI, Tais De Olivera SAITO, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Eiji Renan TAKAHASHI: Energy decay to Timoshenko system with indefinite damping. |
2013-24 | Aníbal CORONEL, Patricio CUMSILLE, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Convergence of a level-set algorithm in scalar conservation laws. |
2013-22 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Michael LANGLAIS, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: A convergent finite volume method for a model of indirectly transmitted diseases with nonlocal cross-diffusion. |
2012-26 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUÑOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Exponential and the lack of exponential stability in transmission problems with localized Kelvin-Voigt dissipation. |
2012-14 | Emilio CARIAGA, Rubén MARTÍNEZ, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Estimation of hydraulic parameters under unsaturated flow conditions in heap leaching. |
2012-05 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUÑOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Octavio VERA, María ZEGARRA-GARAY: The asymptotic behaviour of the linear transmission problem in viscoelasticity. |
2012-05 | Margareth ALVES, Jaime MUÑOZ-RIVERA, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Octavio VERA, María ZEGARRA-GARAY: The asymptotic behaviour of the linear transmission problem in viscoelasticity. |
2011-12 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Numerical analysis for HP food chain system with nonlocal and cross diffusion. |
2010-02 | Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Stabilization of a second order scheme for a GKdV-4 equation modelling surface water waves. |
2009-23 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Mathematical and numerical analysis for predator-prey system in a polluted environment. |
2009-17 | Iuliu S. POP, Florin A. RADU, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Octavio VERA: Error estimates for the finite volume discretization for the porous medium equation. |
Proyectos (10) +
Libros (0) +
Autores | Título | Descripción |
(Actualmente, no se han registrado libros publicados del investigador asociados al centro) |
Director/Codirector de Tesis Posgrado (0+4) +
Alumnos Tesistas de Posgrado Actuales | ||||
Aprobacion Tesis | Nombre | Título de la Tesis | Programa | Directores |
(Actualmente, no se han registrado tesistas de posgrado asociados al investigador en el centro) |
Alumnos Tesistas de Posgrado Graduados | ||||
Defensa de Tesis | Nombre | Título de la Tesis | Programa | Directores |
2019-12-16 | Véjar, Rodrigo | Estudio de Estabilidad y Métodos Numéricos Conservativos para la Ecuación de Schrödinger de Alto Orden | Doctorado en Ciencias Aplicadas con mención en Ingeniería Matemática, Universidad de Concepción | Marcelo M. Cavalcanti, Mauricio Sepúlveda |
2011-04-19 | Anaya, Verónica | Análisis Matemático y Numérico de Algunos Modelos de Dinámica de Población con Difusión No Lineal | Doctorado en Ciencias Aplicadas con mención en Ingeniería Matemática, Universidad de Concepción | Mauricio Sepúlveda |
2008-06-25 | Cariaga, Emilio | Modelación matemática del proceso de lixiviación en pilas para la producción de cobre | Doctorado en Ciencias Aplicadas con mención en Ingeniería Matemática, Universidad de Concepción | Mauricio Sepúlveda |
2004-09-30 | Coronel, Anibal | Estudio de un Problema Inverso para una Ecuación Parabólica Degenerada con Aplicaciones a la Teoría de la Sedimentación | Doctorado en Ciencias Aplicadas con mención en Ingeniería Matemática, Universidad de Concepción | Mauricio Sepúlveda |
Director/Codirector de Tesis Pregrado (0+3) +
Alumnos Tesistas de Pregrado Actuales | ||||
Aprobacion Tesis | Nombre | Título de la Tesis | Carrera | Directores |
(Actualmente, no se han registrado tesistas de pregrado asociados al investigador en el centro) |
Alumnos Tesistas de Pregrado Graduados | ||||
Defensa de Tesis | Nombre | Título de la Tesis | Carrera | Directores |
2022-07-21 | Campos, Fernando | Estudio de Modelos de Avalanchas mediante Esquemas de Volúmenes Finitos bien Balanceados | Ingeniería Civil Matemática, Universidad de Concepción | Rodrigo Abarca del Río, Mauricio Sepúlveda |
2021-06-04 | Jara, Felipe | Modelo de Propagación y Control de Procesos Epidemiológicos de transmisión indirecta entre dos poblaciones | Ingeniería Civil Matemática, Universidad de Concepción | Verónica Anaya, Mauricio Sepúlveda |
2018-04-06 | Espinoza, Jorge | Métodos Numéricos de Alto Orden para un Sistema de Ecuaciones de Tipo Lifshitz-Slyozov con Aplicaciones a Modelos de Polímeros | Ingeniería Civil Matemática, Universidad de Concepción | Erwan Hingant, Mauricio Sepúlveda |