![]() | Nombre | Verónica Anaya |
Unidad Académica | Departamento de Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad del Bío-Bío | |
Áreas de Investigación |
Áreas en Ciencias Básicas: - Análisis Numérico de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales |
Sitio Web Personal | | |
Teléfono | +56 - 041 - 3111731 |
*La información mostrada a continuación refleja las contribuciones desarrolladas por el investigador durante su participación en el centro o en colaboración con este. Para detalles adicionales, puede consultar su Sitio Web Personal.
Publicaciones (24) +
Número | Autores, Título y Datos de la Publicación | DOI Link |
2023-34 | Dibyendu ADAK, Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, David MORA: Conforming and nonconforming virtual element methods for fourth order nonlocal reaction diffusion equation. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 33, No. 10, pp. 2035-2083, (2023). |
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2023-29 | Veronica ANAYA, Ruben CARABALLO, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Hector TORRES: Augmented finite element formulation for the Navier-Stokes equations with vorticity and variable viscosity. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 143, pp. 397-416, (2023). |
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2023-06 | Veronica ANAYA, Ruben CARABALLO, Sergio CAUCAO, Luis F. GATICA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Ivan YOTOV: A vorticity-based mixed formulation for the unsteady Brinkman-Forchheimer equations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 404, 115829, (2023). |
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2022-36 | Veronica ANAYA, Arbaz KHAN, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Robust a posteriori error analysis for rotation-based formulations of the elasticity/poroelasticity coupling. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 44, 4, pp. B964-B995, (2022). |
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2022-30 | Veronica ANAYA, David MORA, Amiya K. PANI, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Error analysis for a vorticity/Bernoulli pressure formulation for the Oseen equations. Journal of Numerical Mathematics, vol. 30, 3, 209-230, (2022). |
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2021-33 | Veronica ANAYA, Ruben CARABALLO, Bryan GOMEZ-VARGAS, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Velocity-vorticity-pressure formulation for the Oseen problem with variable viscosity. Calcolo, vol. 58, 4, article: 44, (2021). |
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2020-24 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, David MORA, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: A virtual element method for a nonlocal FitzHugh-Nagumo model of cardiac electrophysiology. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 40, 2, pp. 1544-1576, (2020). |
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2020-10 | Veronica ANAYA, Zoa DE WIJN, Bryan GOMEZ-VARGAS, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Rotation-based mixed formulations for an elasticity-poroelasticity interface problem. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 42, 1, pp. B225–B249, (2020). |
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2019-41 | Veronica ANAYA, Afaf BOUHARGUANE, David MORA, Carlos REALES, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Nour SELOULA, Hector TORRES: Analysis and approximation of a vorticity-velocity-pressure formulation for the Oseen equations. Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 80, 3, pp. 1577-1606, (2019). |
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2019-39 | Veronica ANAYA, Bryan GOMEZ-VARGAS, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Incorporating variable viscosity in vorticity-based formulations for Brinkman equations. Comptes Rendus Mathematique, vol. 357, 6, pp. 552-560, (2019). |
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2019-13 | Veronica ANAYA, David MORA, Carlos REALES, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Vorticity-pressure formulations for the Brinkman-Darcy coupled problem. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 35, 2, pp. 528-544, (2019). |
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2019-05 | Veronica ANAYA, Zoa DE WIJN, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Mixed displacement-rotation-pressure formulations for elasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 344, pp. 71-94, (2019). |
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2018-14 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: On a vorticity-based formulation for reaction-diffusion-Brinkman systems. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 13, 1, pp. 69-94, (2018). |
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2017-36 | Veronica ANAYA, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Pure vorticity formulation and Galerkin discretization for the Brinkman equations. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 37, 4, pp. 2020-2041, (2017). |
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2017-12 | Veronica ANAYA, David MORA, Carlos REALES, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Mixed methods for a stream-function – vorticity formulation of the axisymmetric Brinkman equations. Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 71, 1, pp. 348-364, (2017). |
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2016-32 | Veronica ANAYA, David MORA, Ricardo OYARZúA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: A priori and a posteriori error analysis of a mixed scheme for the Brinkman problem. Numerische Mathematik, vol. 133 , pp. 781-817, (2016). |
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2015-20 | Veronica ANAYA, Gabriel N. GATICA, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: An augmented velocity-vorticity-pressure formulation for the Brinkman problem. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 79, 3, pp. 109-137, (2015). |
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2015-13 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Michael LANGLAIS, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: A convergent finite volume method for a model of indirectly transmitted diseases with nonlocal cross-diffusion. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 70, 2, pp. 132-157, (2015). |
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2015-09 | Veronica ANAYA, David MORA, Carlos REALES, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Stabilized mixed approximation of axisymmetric Brinkman flows. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 49, 3, pp. 855-874, (2015). |
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2015-02 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Numerical analysis for a three interacting species model with nonlocal and cross diffusion. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 49, 1, pp. 171-192, (2015). |
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2013-27 | Veronica ANAYA, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: An augmented mixed finite element method for the vorticity–velocity–pressure formulation of the Stokes equations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 267, 1, pp. 261-274, (2013). |
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2010-25 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Mathematical and numerical analysis for predator-prey system in a polluted environment. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 5, 4, pp. 813-847, (2010) |
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2010-13 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: A numerical analysis of a reaction-diffusion system modelling the dynamics of growth tumors. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 20, 5, pp. 731-756, (2010) |
Link |
2009-17 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Mauricio SEPúLVEDA: Mathematical and numerical analysis for reaction-diffusion systems modeling the spread of early tumors. Boletin de la Sociedad Espagnola de Matematica Aplicada, vol. 47, pp. 55-62. (2009) |
Link |
Proceedings (2) +
Número | Autores, Título y Datos del Proceeding |
2019-02 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Michael LANGLAIS, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Remarks about spatially structured SI model systems with cross diffusion. In: B. N. Chetverushkin, W. Fitzgibbon, Y.A. Kuznetsov, P. Neittaanmäki, J. Periaux, O. Pironneau (eds) Contributions to Partial Differential Equations and Applications. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. vol 47. pp. 43–64. Springer, (2019) |
2015-02 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Michael LANGLAIS, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Pattern Formation for a Reaction Diffusion System with Constant and Cross Diffusion. In: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, ENUMATH 2013, Abdulle, A. et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol 103, pp. 153-164, Springer Verlag, 2015 |
Prepublicaciones (1+17) +
Prepublicaciones | |
Número | Autores y Título |
2017-13 | Veronica ANAYA, David MORA, Carlos REALES, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: A vorticity-pressure finite element formulation for the Brinkman-Darcy coupled problem. |
Prepublicaciones que Dieron Origen a Publicaciónes Definitivas | |
Número | Autores y Título |
2022-19 | Veronica ANAYA, Ruben CARABALLO, Sergio CAUCAO, Luis F. GATICA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Ivan YOTOV: A vorticity-based mixed formulation for the unsteady Brinkman-Forchheimer equations. |
2021-29 | Veronica ANAYA, Ruben CARABALLO, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Hector TORRES: Augmented finite element formulation for the Navier-Stokes equations with vorticity and variable viscosity. |
2021-08 | Veronica ANAYA, Ruben CARABALLO, Bryan GOMEZ-VARGAS, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Velocity-vorticity-pressure formulation for the Oseen problem with variable viscosity. |
2019-21 | Veronica ANAYA, Zoa DE WIJN, Bryan GOMEZ-VARGAS, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Rotation-based mixed formulations for an elasticity-poroelasticity interface problem. |
2019-17 | Veronica ANAYA, Bryan GOMEZ-VARGAS, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Incorporating variable viscosity in vorticity-based formulations for Brinkman equations. |
2018-22 | Veronica ANAYA, Afaf BOUHARGUANE, David MORA, Carlos REALES, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Nour SELOULA, Hector TORRES: Analysis and approximation of a vorticity-velocity-pressure formulation for the Oseen equations. |
2018-15 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, David MORA, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: A virtual element method for a nonlocal FitzHugh-Nagumo model of cardiac electrophysiology. |
2017-12 | Veronica ANAYA, Zoa DE WIJN, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Mixed displacement-rotation-pressure formulations for elasticity. |
2016-08 | Veronica ANAYA, David MORA, Carlos REALES, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Finite element methods for a stream-function – vorticity formulation of the axisymmetric Brinkman equations. |
2015-21 | Veronica ANAYA, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Pure vorticity formulation and Galerkin discretization for the Brinkman equations. |
2014-20 | Veronica ANAYA, David MORA, Ricardo OYARZÚA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: A priori and a posteriori error analysis for a vorticity-based mixed formulation of the generalized Stokes equations. |
2014-19 | Veronica ANAYA, David MORA, Carlos REALES, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Stabilized mixed finite element approximation of axisymmetric Brinkman flows. |
2014-11 | Veronica ANAYA, Gabriel N. GATICA, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: An augmented velocity-vorticity-pressure formulation for the Brinkman problem. |
2013-22 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Michael LANGLAIS, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: A convergent finite volume method for a model of indirectly transmitted diseases with nonlocal cross-diffusion. |
2013-17 | Veronica ANAYA, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: An augmented mixed finite element method for the vorticity-velocity-pressure formulation of the Stokes equations. |
2011-12 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Numerical analysis for HP food chain system with nonlocal and cross diffusion. |
2009-23 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Mathematical and numerical analysis for predator-prey system in a polluted environment. |
Proyectos (1) +
Agencia | Número | Vigencia | Investigadores: Título | Tipo |
FONDECYT | 3120197 | 2011 Oct 2014 Sep | Veronica ANAYA [P]: Analysis and Error for Finite Volume Element Schemes for Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Application in Population Dynamics. | Ciencias Básicas |
Libros (0) +
Autores | Título | Descripción |
(Actualmente, no se han registrado libros publicados del investigador asociados al centro) |
Director/Codirector de Tesis Posgrado (1+0) +
Alumnos Tesistas de Posgrado Actuales | ||||
Aprobacion Tesis | Nombre | Título de la Tesis | Programa | Directores |
2021-09-01 | Caraballo, Rubén | Numerical Analysis of Vorciticy Formulations for Fluid Flow Problems | Doctorado en Matemática Aplicada, Universidad del Bío-Bío | Verónica Anaya |
Alumnos Tesistas de Posgrado Graduados | ||||
Defensa de Tesis | Nombre | Título de la Tesis | Programa | Directores |
(Actualmente, no se han registrado graduados de posgrado asociados al investigador en el centro.) |
Director/Codirector de Tesis Pregrado (0+1) +
Alumnos Tesistas de Pregrado Actuales | ||||
Aprobacion Tesis | Nombre | Título de la Tesis | Carrera | Directores |
(Actualmente, no se han registrado tesistas de pregrado asociados al investigador en el centro) |
Alumnos Tesistas de Pregrado Graduados | ||||
Defensa de Tesis | Nombre | Título de la Tesis | Carrera | Directores |
2021-06-04 | Jara, Felipe | Modelo de Propagación y Control de Procesos Epidemiológicos de transmisión indirecta entre dos poblaciones | Ingeniería Civil Matemática, Universidad de Concepción | Verónica Anaya, Mauricio Sepúlveda |