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5 October 2023: CI²MA researcher participated in a conference in Portugal
Manuel Solano strengthened international collaboration networks for future projects

During the first week of September, the 'European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH)' meeting was held at the Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon in Portugal. 

This conference is a space to present and discuss novel and fundamental advances in numerical mathematics and challenging scientific and industrial applications at the highest level of international experience and had the participation of scientists from various countries, including Dr. Manuel Solano Palma, researcher at the Center for Research in Mathematical Engineering, CI²MA, of the Universidad de Concepción (UdeC). 

The also academician from the Department of Mathematical Engineering of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the UdeC presented the talk 'An Overview of the Transfer Path Method', in the mini-symposium titled 'Approximated boundary methods: modelling, mathematical analysis and simulations'. 

“A few months ago, the organizers of the mini-symposium wrote to Ricardo Oyarzúa and me inviting us to give a talk,” explained Dr. Solano about the arrangements for his participation. “Since the topic is related to what I have been working on for about 10 years, I decided to accept the invitation to show the progress I have made. Basically, it is a mini-symposium dedicated to numerical methods to solve partial differential equations in non-polyhedral domains using meshes that do not fit the domain”. 

Regarding the main results of his presence at ENUMATH, the associate researcher at the Center for Mathematical Modeling, CMM, of the Universidad de Chile, stated that “one of the researchers who invited us, Dr. Alexei Lozinski from the Université de Franche-Comté de France works on the same topic as me, so we took the opportunity to share ideas and think about how we could improve the existing methods. This may lead to collaboration in the future”. 

On the other hand, he highlighted, “I had the opportunity to talk with two of the plenary speakers of WONAPDE 2024, Dr. Ilaria Perugia (University of Vienna, Austria) and Dr. Sara Zahedi (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), who also presented their work at ENUMATH2023”” 

“In addition, several participants expressed their interest in participating in WONAPDE, which reaffirms its international prestige”, he concluded. 

In this regard, CI²MA director, Dr. Rodolfo Araya Durán, said that “participating in high-level scientific events is one of our tasks as scientists, in order to publicize our research and the name of the institutions that host us. Out of doubt, Dr. Solano is one of our most recognized young academics with the best track record at our center, which is demonstrated by the invitation to participate in this important event”. 

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