Campus Map and Conference Site

The following three links provide views of the campus and the conference site:

The places where the conference is carried on are identified as follows:

  • AUD-0: Auditorium, Facultad de Ingenieria Building
  • AUD-1: Auditorium, Empreudec Building
  • AUD-2: Auditorium, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales Building
  • AUD-3: Auditorium, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias Building
  • WHITE TENT: tent located in the parking lot of the Empreudec Building

Please, bear in mind that:

  • The Conference Secretariat is located in the entrance hall of the Empreudec Building.
  • You can register on Monday 14, from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00. Nevertheless, the Conference Secretariat will also remain open during the rest of the week.
  • All the Plenary Lectures will be held in AUD-0, except the Closing Plenary Lecture in AUD-1. In turn, all the Parallel Sessions will be held in AUD-1, AUD-2, and AUD-3. Rest rooms can be found near each auditorium.
  • The Welcome Reception and all the Coffee Breaks and Lunches will be held in the WHITE TENT. We kindly request to wear the badges during these activities.